Salome faja chaleco, Sheper Vest
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Salome faja chaleco, Sheper Vest
Descripción: Chaleco Para Mujer. Elaborado en Powernet en alta compresion. Senos Libres. forrada con tela hipo-alergénica. Te ayuda a quemar grasa localizada en el area del abdomen, moldea tu cintura, senos libre para que la utilices con tu brassiere preferido. No incluye el brassiere ni el panty. Tiras removibles. Espalda alta para moldear el gordito del brassiere Description: Vest For Women. Elaborated in Powernet of High compression. Braless. hypoallergenic cotton lining. Helps you burn unwanted body fat. Shapes your waist line. Enhances your natural body curves. Flattens your abdomen and push-up your breast. Corrects your posture. Models and stylizes your figure, Abdomen, and waist. Corrects your posture. Helps you slim your waist, by accelerating the burning fat process. The more you use it the faster you will reduce sizes. PLEASE CHECK OUR SIZE CHART BEFORE YOU ORDER/ POR FAVOR REVIZAR LA TABLA DE MEDIDAS ANTES DE ORDENAR
Your Price: $64.99
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